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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel is an essential element of business and marketing for many years. It appears that the subject of funnels in online-based businesses is becoming more popular.

Many people want to know more about the marketing concept and how it can be used to enhance their online marketing strategies. Read on to find out more about the sales funnel and how it can be used to efficient Internet marketing.

The Sales Funnel: What exactly is it?

A marketing funnel does not necessarily mean a funnel. This marketing concept uses the term "funnel" to refer to the sales process from beginning to end. The term funnel can be used to describe the sales process because it has both a wider entry path for "Unqualified Prospects", and a smaller opening for converts at the bottom.

The "unqualified prospects" Also called people who are not competent are in the middle of the funnel. They may need your products or services but have never been contacted before. You'll have many opportunities and sales later and you'll have people who've purchased your product/service.

The effectiveness of a lead generation funnel comes down to its ability to permits you to monitor the potential buyers' behavior throughout the lengthy selling process. By using the sales funnel to determine the amount of prospects who are qualified at every step, you will be able to predict how many potential customers will become actual customers.

A sales funnel will allow you to determine exactly how is going on and how your sales strategy is not working or succeeding, or if your campaign isn't getting enough potential customers somewhere in the process. This information will help you determine where your goal is and the best way you can maintain sales at the proper amount. It is used to monitor and control the customers sales process.

The Front - End or Sales Funnel The top

The top part of your sales funnel will require continuous testing and will be the most engaged. Your imagination and resources will limit the amount of front-end strategies that you could create.

The primary objective of the front-end is going to be to attract potential clients and convert them into buyers later on in the sales process.

When a potential customer opts-in to your offering, they are "qualified". This is when the prospect or "Unqualified Lead" is qualified. This is because they have taken an action that suggests that they may be interested in buying your products or services.

To make your front-end effective you must be able to bring specific traffic to your site blog, website, or squeeze page. Article marketing, PPC ads, social media (Google+ Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) banners, and blogs are among the best methods and resources to do this.

There are many methods that you can use to "qualify the unqualified prospect". One of the more efficient methods is to use a squeeze page where you can provide something valuable that is pertinent to your service or product that folks can get for free or at a significantly reduced cost in exchange for the exchange of their email address and name. The products offered include newsletters as well video ebooks, email courses, eBooks, and other related reports.

This indicates that customers are drawn to your sales channel at the front end. The back-end is what we should be focusing on.


The Bottom or Back-End of The Funnel

The back-end (or bottom) of your sales channel is where the majority of profits and sales take place. It is where you will typically find more expensive products in this area. These products would all be relevant to the same audience, but they are delivered in different formats, like audio, video and live interaction.

The main difference between front and back-ends lies in the type of client and the price of the product/service being provided.

It is the case that only a small percentage, perhaps 1-2% of the people entering your front-end will be able to make it into your back-end. This is because a select few people will spend a larger amount of money.

While front-end services and products may be less expensive than $100 but back-end products and services are usually priced at the range of hundreds to thousands. This means that the bottom of the sales channel also called the back-end, is the most important source of income.

As I said earlier, the sales funnel is as flexible as your imagination and resources allow.

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